martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Implementing Software

Well, just implement it! Right?
Title might seem too self explanatory (I thought that too), but no. Not necessarily. There’s more to this than what you might assume by just knowing what it’s called.

For what I’ve come to learn, correct me if I’m wrong, when you talk about software implementation you’re talking about the challenges a development team faces when implementing software. This, in terms of making the team work as one and that all code seems to have been written by the same person. This makes it a whole easier to understand what another member of your team is doing, how you can contribute, and measure the overall progress of your team because you all basically have the same way of organizing yourselves.
Let me go deeper into this…

These challenges I mentioned before are among these classifications:
  • code-reuse: a lot of problems arise when you’re faced with compatibility issues when trying to re-use code from somewhere else. And when trying to solve this, you’ll then have to think: HOW MUCH actual code should I re-use?
  • Version Management: It doesn’t matter if a new version of your software is released, you should never throw away all documentation you have on previous versions and configurations! You’ll want to go back at some point and check for something, you never know… That’s why you need your documentation to be highly accurate and descriptive.
  • Target-host: Yes. At times it’s going to be impossible to design a single piece of software that runs flawlessly on every user machine, but your design should still aim for that! The way you implement software should consider the multiple environments in which your software will exist.

Hopefully, you’re seeing the connection this all has with previous blog I’ve written about. Software implementation is deeply correlated with testing and architecture, for example. Or at least that’s how I’ve come to understand it :)

You can read more about it in my other blog posts. And for reading any further int othe sources I used for writing this, here it is:

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