Ugh, but why? Why is everything so complicated?
Well… entropy is always increasing. Have you heard that before? 2nd Law of Thermodynamics. I like how Samuel Arbesman says it here: “everything is getting more complex and you can't get a handle on it. None of us can! Basically, no one knows what's going on”. He’s a complexity scientist, by the way.
You might consider yourself a pretty disordered person already, and let me tell you, you kind of have the Universe to thank for that! Let me try to explain…
Back to thermodynamics. Its 2nd law makes a very strong statement, but let me tell you: entropy refers to the number of combinations you can arrange small-scale particles and still have the same large-scale properties. Like trying to think of a tall brown dog that pees on the living room. There are lots of dogs (# combinations) like this, but they all have the same large-scale properties. Now, another important term: complexity. This refers to how hard it is to describe some set of large-scale properties.
The thing is, there comes a point in all systems in the Universe where both entropy and complexity go so high that things get so mixed together that it suddenly just doesn’t make sense to differentiate one part from the other. Therefore, its large-scale properties become easier to describe and complexity goes down. Entropy, however, continues going up. Always...
Graphs, please! It looks something like this:
So what does this all have to do with you and me? Everything. In fact, it’s only because of the point at which the Universe is currently in that you and me exist. How, you might wonder? Because you and me are living at the most exciting time of the Universe’s history, at the point of highest complexity and ever increasing entropy!
So, what happens after this complexity cusp of the Universe? NOTHING. Really, nothing. The universe will reach a point of high entropy and low complexity. All of us humans, complex structures, just won’t exist anymore. Nothing will, actually. All existence will be reduced to the simplest of all ways. And no, there’s nothing we can do about it. We can enjoy our beautiful high times of complexity right now, though!
This video does a lot better at explaining all this, please go take a look!
Hopefully, I left you as interested in complexity/entropy as I am :) I used these among my sources, feel free to dig any deeper: