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Title’s pretty self explanatory. Or, is it? software testing…
This can be a very fun process. You’re basically trying to break things from all possible angles. Find bugs and you’ve done your work correctly. Of course, the software development team’s work just doubled! Or maybe backstepped all the way.
Your responsibilities as a software tester are verifying and validating that a program, application or product pass all following tests:
- meeting business and technical requirements upon which design and development were constructed (You see where everything I’ve talked about design and requirements in other blog posts gets us to?)
- working as expected
- possible implementation on multiple environments and use cases
No easy work, that’s for sure. If some bug gets to the users, not only will the software development team be approached, but software testers as well. Why wasn’t the bug discovered during testing?
Before I go any further, aren’t you wondering why computer bugs are called BUGS? I sure was...
What does the world have against bugs? Poor animals. Well, back in the day computers were as large as classrooms, actual real-life, living bugs were a huge problem in these monstruous computers. You got rid of the bug, you got rid of a problem on your program. Funny how these terms stick through history, right?
What does the world have against bugs? Poor animals. Well, back in the day computers were as large as classrooms, actual real-life, living bugs were a huge problem in these monstruous computers. You got rid of the bug, you got rid of a problem on your program. Funny how these terms stick through history, right?
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Perhaps I’ll be saying this in every blog from now on, but in a previous blog post, I talked about the Software Lifecycle. Remember? Please do :(
Software testing is an essential part of the SDLC. It is at this point (no matter the methodology) that you might find bugs that will throw you back some steps of the development process. Fix those bugs, test again, and pray it all goes well.
Software testing is an essential part of the SDLC. It is at this point (no matter the methodology) that you might find bugs that will throw you back some steps of the development process. Fix those bugs, test again, and pray it all goes well.
You might want to think about some types of software testing:
- Static testing can find bugs without executing code! It’s done during verification process. Documents and source code are reviewed. All this in terms of walkthrough, inspection, etc.
- Dynamic testing includes actual execution of the code. It’s done during validation process. All this in terms of unit testing, integration, system testing, etc.
You surely do tests all day long, for everything. In fact, everything you know now is surely only the conclusions upon which you have arrived after doing some tests of validity (hopefully). I mean, don’t you try several clothes on before leaving your house? try several keys for your door before finding the right one? try that new food on the menu? In BIG terms, everything you’re doing in your life right now is a big testing you do on yourself to see if what you’re doing makes you a happy person. You’re a professional tester already.
You might not be that far from being a software tester…
These were the coolest sources I found for the information I present here:
You might not be that far from being a software tester…
These were the coolest sources I found for the information I present here:
Go have fun testing your path through life in search for happiness :)